EasyBus3® Products

The Easy3-H device is the main system controller.

It is the communication gateway between the building automation system and the EasyBus3® network. By design, depending on the size, configuration and requirements of the installation, it can also operate the entire EasyBus3® system in stand-alone mode.


Minimal EasyBus3® setup:
  • 1 Easy3-H
  • 1 Easy3-M
  • 1 Easy3-X (participants)
Maximal EasyBus3® setup:
  • 1 Easy3-H
  • 3 Easy3-M
  • 384 Easy3-X (participants)

Easy3-B | 24VDC Fire Damper

Easy3-H | Communication Interface

Easy3-M | EasyBus3 Master

Easy3-V | Variable Air Volume VAV

Setup example